Fire Safety Manager Singapore

Under the Fire Safety Act and Fire Safety (Premises Requiring Emergency Response Plan) Notification 2013, all Public (inclusive of Commercial) or Industrial Buildings which satisfy certain conditions are required to appoint a fire safety manager.

Initial Appointment

Appointment of a Fire Safety Manager (FSM) is not a one-off process that your company can just file with the authorities and forget about. It requires an initial qualification of the appointed person through completion of approved courses to be certified as a Fire Safety Manager.

Benefits of Appointing Fire Guard as FSM


With such stringent regulations and an ever-evolving Fire Safety scene, it is no wonder that companies are leaving management of their building’s Fire Safety to professionals with deep seated experience in the industry.

Administratively, it is more efficient to entrust this specialized role to a professional instead of hiring an additional HR personnel to monitor the changing rules and regulations.

A specialist Fire Safety Manager company has economies of scale to keep track of regulations and processes in place to implement Fire Safety Code changes Specifically, hiring a professional leaves your company to focus on your core business without sacrificing time and effort on non-core business administrative work.

Cost Efficiency

A Fire Safety Manager’s role is an important one but what happens if your company just barely hits the criteria set out in in regulations and is forced to appoint a FSM?

It would be very inefficient from a manpower point of view because an employee’s productivity has to be sacrificed to carry out the numerous roles and responsibilities of a FSM.

It would also hurt the bottom line to hire an extra person to carry out the duties of an FSM, not say the least about the extra administrative work. Hiring a specialist FSM company like Fire Guard lifts the burden of fulfilling the FSM role without sacrificing employee productivity, leaving your employees to focus on your core business.

Tell us more about your requirement by filling up the form below or call us!