Fire Extinguisher Maintenance & Servicing
Fire extinguishers are required on the premises of businesses to ensure good protection against fires.
Besides the obligation to acquire the proper equipment for fire protection, businesses in Singapore are also under the obligation to ensure proper inspection and maintenance of their fire extinguishers. These inspections can only be carried on by a certified service provider.
Your Fire Extinguishers Must Be In Good Working Order
Concern for safety must come first, especially in case of businesses whose activities carry an extensive risk of fires. As one of the top suppliers of fire extinguishers in Singapore, we can also help you with maintenance and proper tagging for the equipment you have on site.
Any fire extinguisher must be maintained in good working order, as expired equipment can prove faulty or may not work at all, exactly when you need to extinguish a fire breaking out on your premises. For your home or your business, you need to rely on working fire protection equipment, as, without it, the damage caused by fire can be much higher.
If you are interested in more details about how to maintain your fire extinguishers in good working order, do not hesitate to contact us over the phone or via our website. We will gladly help you with all the needed information.
What Do Regulations Say?
SCDF (Singapore Civil Defense Force) requires all owners or occupants of a building to be responsible of the maintenance, inspection and good working order of the fire extinguishers they have on their premises. Even if you are not the owner of the building where your business carries its activities, under the Singapore Standard, Code of Practice SS 578, Use and Maintenance of Portable Fire Extinguishers, you have the obligation to ensure all of the above.
The same act stipulates that the individuals in charge of inspecting, tagging and maintaining fire extinguishers must be qualified and trained for such activities. As a Singaporean company selling fire extinguishers, we can help you with our team of experts, as far as maintenance is concerned. We offer a wide array of fire safety products and services, so feel free to contact our staff and expose your particular set of requirements.
How Often Should Fire Extinguishers Be Serviced?
According to SCDF's regulations, commercial fire extinguishers need to be serviced yearly.
Getting your fire extinguishers serviced with us is easy. Simply drop us a note in the contact form, or call us and we will arrange to have your fire extinguishers picked up from your office, warehouse or location.
When our qualified personnel have your fire extinguishers on hand, we will proceed with a visual inspection. A fire extinguisher inspection and servicing involves checking the hose of the extinguisher to ensure it is not blocked, and we will search for any signs of damage, as well as see if the instructions of operating a fire extinguisher is still readable.
If your fire extinguisher has expired, you are recommended to purchase a new one.
After a fire extinguisher is serviced, we will label it so that SCDF inspectors will know that the fire equipment has been verified and serviced.
How Much Does a Fire Extinguisher Service Cost?
At Fire Guard, we make it affordable to service your fire extinguisher yearly. Contact us for a quick quotation.
Exercise due diligence by preventing any mishaps from happening and replacing expired fire extinguishers. Ensure that the required inspections are carried out by qualified personnel such as purchasing our products and use our services for your regular inspection and maintenance.
When you hear the fire alarm blaring, you will know you have proper equipment at your disposal, ready to help you minimize the damage.
Tell us more about your requirement by filling up the form below or call us!